Legend:   Planned Outage                         Unexpected Outage


If you are experiencing an outage, please see our contact info below. For safety and power outage tips and answers, review our Outage Tips below.

How to Report an Outage

To report an outage or for outage updates, please call (506) 658-5252, and press 1. This service is available 24 hours a day.

When you call, be sure to have the following information on-hand:

Planned Interruptions

To provide the most reliable service possible, maintenance and upgrading of our facilities is essential. Planned power interruptions to facilitate this work allows our crews to work safely and efficiently.

We recognize power interruptions can disrupt our customers home life, business and industrial operations. Saint John Energy is committed to minimizing the impact and inconvenience caused by a planned power interruption by providing as much notice as possible through online communications, Twitter, news media, and hand delivered notices.

At Pulse we work with you, not just for you.

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